The Week in Review

This workweek we learn that in space nobelium one can hear you hack, BioWare is in bed with Game Catch and Sweden considers piracy an actual religion.

Spare-time activity Hackers Plan Space-Based Internet


While the ground-based take the field against the likes of the Occlusion Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect IP Act (PIPA) continues, one group of hackers has announced its intention to try and remove nationally-controlled internets from the equation altogether by hosting its have service via private satellites and a series of groundstations. The effort is known as Project HGG (Hackerspace Global Grid), and forms part of an attempted safety valve from the feared censorship of the cyberspace. (Link)

Attorney Destroys Arguments for Plot Piracy


Whenever the prosecution of game piracy is mentioned, the pirates (or, at least, apologists) come prohibited of the woodwork to defend the crime. There's no successful way of life to give chase IP addresses that have downloaded games illegally, they allege, because the hackers can just mask their IP address. Or fair-and-square because a game was downloaded doesn't stand for that the computer's owner was the pirate. Worsened, pirates say that any prosecution is just a way to scare people or that nigh of the fourth dimension pirates become factual customers of the gamy. Jas Purewal is a attorney based in London and he barrelled out nowadays that most of those arguments don't hold adequate to any real lucid scrutiny. (Link)

BioWare Gives Best ME 3 Pre-Order Bonuses To GameStop


Pre-orders are big business with videogames, and studios often sweeten the deal by offering exclusive bonuses to those WHO are willing to put down a little cash ahead of time. With Tidy sum Effect 3, BioWare has kicked things off by revelatory the in-game items information technology'll give you in exchange for pre-ordering the game. According to BioWare, folks World Health Organization pre-order Mass Result 3 will get to kit out Commander Shepard with some uncomparable weaponry and armor. First of all, if you pre-rules of order the game from any retailer, you'll get the M55 Argus pheasant Assault gun. (Colligate)

Sweden Formally Recognizes Buccaneering as Religion


The act of peer to peer file-sharing is a holy act and info is unspeakable, according to the tenets of the Missionary Church of Kopimism. An outgrowth of Sweden's Pirate Company, the 3,000 members of the church have been attempting to atomic number 4 recognized as an official religion since 2010. After their third application, the Swedish bureau called Kammarkollegietfinally accepted Kopimism as a pro forma religion when the organization outlined how members pray and carry services. Contempt the ruling, file-sharing of copyright protected creative works is still illegal in Sweden. (Link)

New Google Chrome Extension Reveals SOPA Supporters


Information technology seems difficult to make your agency around the web these days without hearing about who does, doesn't, operating room did merely directly doesn't support SOPA, a potential, and somewhat draconian meter that would block access to any web site intellection to be in violation of copyright infraction. After the collective voice and actions of multiple netizens forced Go Daddy to drop support, numerous net users are looking to use that momentum to continue the struggle against this impending legislating. Nary SOPA, a newly created free university extension for Chrome, is looking to help them by putting information in their hands. (Link)


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